Algebra Ch13 Test A Problem #13

by | Jun 7, 2019

Question from Grace:

We are using this test A as a practice test. We can’t figure out how to solve this.

Answer from Dr. Callahan:


To solve this one, you take the square root of each side

+/- SQRT ( 16x^2 + 8x +1 ) = +/- SQRT (9)

The left side needs a little work to do this. Best to see if we can factor
16x^2 + 8x +1

As a hint, you know your factors would need to be the same since you are taking a square root.

So start with the first term 16x^2 – square root of it is 4x. So try that

(4x + ___) (4x + ___)

Then the last term is 1. So the obvious thing that can be multiplied by itself to get 1 is 1. So try

(4x + 1) (4x + 1)

Now when I multiply is out I get

16x^2 + 4x + 4x + 1 = 16x^2 + 8x +1

So that works!!

Now back to the problem

+/- SQRT ( 16x^2 + 8x +1 ) = +/- SQRT (9)

+/- SQRT ((4x + 1) (4x + 1)) = +/- SQRT (9)

Using the + we have
(4x + 1) = 3
And 4x = 2 so x = 1/2 is one answer

Using the – we have
(4x + 1) = -3
4x+1 = -3
4x = -4
x = -1



Written By DaleCallahan

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