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How to Teach High School Math at Home
Are you homeschooling a high schooler and feeling overwhelmed by math? Whether it’s Algebra, Geometry, or even Calculus, you’re not alone. A lot of parents worry they’re not ‘mathy’ enough to teach these subjects—but I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be a math expert to guide your teen to success!
Mathematics in the World You Live In
It's all connected. Math helps us understand better the world around us, from art to medicine to science. Math explains so much of it. Math has even been called the language of the universe. In...
Say YES to the calculator!
One of the most frequent math questions we get from homeschool parents is "Do I let my students use a calculator?" Is your student begging for the calculator? Have you stood firm against it all...
Help with Grading
There is no wrong way to grade. It's completely up to you. You are in charge. But sometimes we need some help deciding where to even begin. Our advice is to remember that the goal is learning, not...
The Different Geometry Textbooks and Videos
The 3rd edition of the Harold Jacobs Geometry textbook has gone through three different printings with 3 different covers and ISBNs. If you are picking a text and looking at used options, it can be...
When your child is actually ahead, not behind.
I am used to having parents tell me that they think their kid is behind, missed something in 3rd grade, or has a suspected learning disability. That dialogue is almost always the first thing parents...
MIT Makes videos for K-12 Students, and they are kind of awesome. (plus, unicorns!)
When I find great resources, I like to share them on the blog for parents and educators who might be looking for just that tool. I do not have any professional affiliation with this product, I just...
Innovation in Life Starts with Higher Level Math in High School
Are you panicked about Calculus? Maybe it's time to be more panicked about a world where no one builds bionic arms, solves environmental problems, or seeks a cure for cancer--because that's the...
Real World Math | The Algebra of Planning a Road Trip
When you plan a road trip, you use math literally every step of the way. What you may not know, however, is the right math term for what you’re calculating. So today, I’m going to walk you through a...
You can thank math for your morning cup of coffee
Just when you think math isn't relevant in the real world, you learn that it takes math to make coffee. It takes machines to brew your coffee. Whether it's a french press, a standard coffee brewer,...