(Even If You're Not a Math Expert!) https://youtu.be/lXCAynBo8bE?si=uTEJKOJW0b_rLYwy “Are you...
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Mathematics in the World You Live In
It's all connected. Math helps us understand better the world around us, from art to medicine to...
Say YES to the calculator!
One of the most frequent math questions we get from homeschool parents is "Do I let my students...
Help with Grading
There is no wrong way to grade. It's completely up to you. You are in charge. But sometimes we...
The Different Geometry Textbooks and Videos
The 3rd edition of the Harold Jacobs Geometry textbook has gone through three different printings...
When your child is actually ahead, not behind.
I am used to having parents tell me that they think their kid is behind, missed something in 3rd...
MIT Makes videos for K-12 Students, and they are kind of awesome. (plus, unicorns!)
When I find great resources, I like to share them on the blog for parents and educators who might...
Innovation in Life Starts with Higher Level Math in High School
Are you panicked about Calculus? Maybe it's time to be more panicked about a world where no one...
Real World Math | The Algebra of Planning a Road Trip
When you plan a road trip, you use math literally every step of the way. What you may not know,...
3-step project idea to help you learn why learning math is important
Around the world, education is not as often available as it is in more developed countries. Too...
Raspberry Pi and A Robot Ferris Wheel you can build at home for less than $100
Some of the links in this article are affiliate links. We don't carry in our shop all the...
The Quadratic Equation
Where did all these formulas come from anyway? Here's some interesting information on the...
Rocket Activity
Grab a copy of the model rocket activity here. This activity is suitable for any of the math...
Using Jacobs 2nd Edition with AskDrCallahan Course
Question: Can I use Geometry 2nd Edition by Harold Jacobs with the AskDrCallahan course? Answer:...
Does the geometry book contain proofs? (Is it Euclidean Geometry?)
Yes, the geometry textbook by Harold Jacobs, and our videos that go along with it, is Euclidian...
WEBINAR: College – Asking the Right People the Right Question
Join us on April 8, 2015 at 2:00PM CST for our Webinar Webinar presenters: Dale Callahan Webinar...
Teaching Your Kids To Decide What to Do Next
This may sound silly, but your children’s biggest challenge in life is likely to be making a daily...
ACT and SAT Score are Key to Scholarships
We constantly run into parents asking us questions like Should we count AskDrCallahan math courses...
Why College is NOT the Goal of Homeschooling
As homeschooling parents we want our children to succeed, and there is a part of us that is unsure...
Preparing for the Professor | Homeschool to College Transition
Do you have a homeschool to college transition plan? As we homeschool our children, we are often...
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