Calculus Online Course – Monthly
$18.00 / month
What's Included:
Month to month access to the online Calculus video instruction for use with our Calculus Everything You Need course. Automatically renews each month.
The AskDrCallahan calculus video course is the perfect tool for homeschool, public, private, engineering academy, STEM, or college students to learn the fundamentals of Calculus 1.
Calculus Teaching Videos: Videos of course content - Approximately 6.5 hours of video following the textbook. Includes the tests, the test grading guide, and the syllabus.
Required to take the course
Calculus Textbook (USED): This calculus textbook by James Stewart is used in many universities for calculus 1-3 courses. We will be covering Chapters 1-4 in this course, which are the normal sections for Calculus 1 at university. The textbook is required for the course.
Solutions Manual 
Student Solutions Manual for Stewart's Calculus (USED): Contains answers to the odd problems in the textbook. We are using the 2nd ed by Cole - USED.
Teacher's Guide, Syllabus and Tests 
Teacher's Guide: Our Teacher's Guide is available as a free PDF, click here, and also online with the purchase of our Calculus Teaching Videos.
Additional Recommended Resources
Graphing Calculator
Currently out of stock. For our students that need a graphing tool for use on the ACT/SAT exams we recommend the Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. Click on the name to purchase. This calculator is allowed on the ACT/SAT exams. Take a calculator to the exam that you are familiar with using.