
Course Resources



Algebra 2 with Trig


General Questions

Can’t Find What You Need?

Here is where you would ask about

  • how to work a problem,
  • a possible error in the textbook or teacher’s guides
  • how to implement the math in your situation (questions moms ask!)

First, try searching

Many questions have already been answered. To find a solution, just search the SEARCH bar to the right by typing the course name and the chapter.

For instance, to find and help with geometry chapter 1.3 you might search any of the following:

or click on the particular geometry link on the right-hand side of this page (under SEARCH).

If you cannot find it, just Ask.

You can ask a question in a few ways. Remember to give us the COURSE NAME and the problem NUMBER!

Email us to ask a question to If we can’t answer you over email, we can setup a call or video chat.

Also, you can ask us questions on our Facebook page.

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