The test in the Teacher Guide for Test 2B on page 211 has an incorrect answer. The answer given in...
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Algebra Chapter 2
Algebra Ch2.4 Set IV
Question from Cynthia: Answer from Dr. Callahan: You are correct. I assume you have a blue...
Algebra 1 Ch2.5 #8c
Question: Why does the perimeter not vary directly with it's length (when the length changes)...
Algebra Solutions Manual Ch 7.7
Algebra Solutions Manual Chapter 7, Lesson 7, problem 2b page 102 of solutions manual...
Algebra 1 Ch2.5 #7
Question from Nathan: Lesson 5 Chapter 2 page 93 number 7. I do not understand the answer to a...
Algebra 1 Ch2.3 Function & Formulas
Question from Jake: We have a question on functions and the fact that they don't always have a...
Algebra Chapter 2 Lesson 4 – Direct Variation
Question: Hello. I am a homeschooling mom using your DVDs and the Jacobs text. I also happen to...
Algebra Chapter 2 Graphing
Question: Hi, I am going through the Algebra one course and am struggling through Chapter 2 (all...