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Mathematics in the World You Live In
It's all connected. Math helps us understand better the world around us, from art to medicine to science. Math explains so much of it. Math has even been called the language of the universe. In short, God uses math all through His creation. Therefore, it's no...
Calculus Ch1.1 #44, 46, 48, 50
Here are the solutions to these even-numbered problems. Calc1-Ch1.1#44-46-48-50.pdf (The PDF has #49 instead of #50. See below for #50) Chapter 1.1 #50 What you are looking for is a function like C = f(x) where C is cost and x is mile If 0 <= x <= 1, C=2 If 1...
Scope and Sequence for College Bound or Not
Your cover school or state may require 2-4 high school maths. If you are working toward smaller scholarships or high-end private colleges, they may have requirements for specific courses in high school. Contact the colleges you are interested in and ask for their...
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